Friday, February 17, 2017

ADAM MORGAN THE EDITOR Introduces BURNING WORLDS, Amy Brady's new monthly literary column about cli-fi trends nationwide.


ADAM MORGAN THE EDITOR Introduces BURNING WORLDS, Amy Brady's new monthly literary column about cli-fi trends nationwide.

It's been a busy year at the Chicago Review of Books, an online literary journal that is just one year old.

Since January, weveve launched a lot of new columns and features — all of which are aimed at expanding our mission to make the literary conversation more inclusive, in every sense of the word.

In case you missed them, here are our new ongoing features at the CHIRB.


Burning Worlds is Amy Brady’s new monthly column (named after JG Ballard) examining trends in climate change fiction, or “cli-fi.”

In her first piece, she spoke with the man who coined the term “cli-fi” (Dan Bloom) about his reading suggestions.

Next month, in MARCH, she'll speak with science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson about his forthcoming novel, ''New York 2140,'' set in a partially submerged Manhattan.

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