Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CLIMATE-L Digest for Wednesday, November 01, 2017 pre BONN GERMANY Climate conference

CLIMATE-L Digest for Wednesday, November 01, 2017.

1. The paths to reducing deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon
2. UN-REDD high-level side event at COP23: Scaling up implementation for accessing REDD+ payments
4. IGES/LCS-RNet side event at COP23: Linkage between NDC and SDGs – synergies and trade-offs
5. The Coal End Game - Event invitation Nov 7, 2:30pm Bonn
6. Visit the German Coal Fields & Hambach Forest - Free shuttle service from COP23
7. COP23 Side event invite: Sustainable Forest Landscapes
8. Gold Standard at COP23
9. Samoa is ready to 'IMPRESS' with launch of large-scale renewable energy project ahead of COP23
10. Samoa kicks off climate adaptation project to benefit 1 in 3 citizens facing flood risk
11. COP23 Side Event: ‘Building partnerships for climate-resilient community development in Least Developed Countries (Lao PDR and Timor-Leste)
12. We are now accepting applications for Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Policy and Law / University of Eastern Finland
13. Invitation to side event: temperature rise and its implications on food security and migration
14. COP23 Climate Classroom
15. COP23 Japan Pavilion: Session by IDE-JETRO and Nagoya University (17 Nov)
16. Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration and the Law
17. UNFCCC/UN Environment COP23 side event – Closing knowledge gaps to scale up adaptation: the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (UNFCCC – UN ENVIRONMENT)
18. COP23 - 11th Focal Point Forum of the Nairobi Work Programme: Human Settlements and Adaptation
19. SIde Event Annoucement TWI2050
20. CS November 2017 Update
21. SAGE Webinar: Cooper Martin and Troy Moon, Tuesday, 11/7, 12:00PM EST
22. Nordic climate solutions at COP23
23. Upcoming White Paper on Nordic Sustainable Cities
24. Interactive World Map of Geoengineering Experiments
25. New publication: 102 water technologies for climate change adaptation
26. COP 23 - what's at stake? A Heinrich Böll Foundation analysis (by Don Lehr, Lili Fuhr, Liane Schalatek)

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