Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Why your name will often not be credited in a published newspaper article even after you were interviewed over the phone for an hour or so as the story was being researched

Some background on how New York Times  and UK Guardian and Sydney Morning Herald news articles are reported.

Reporters will be working on a story and the reporters will probably spoke to about 10-12 experts in their initial research. 

It's the way journalists at any major newspaper do their job, be it the Guardian in the UK, the NYT in the USA, The Syndney Morning Herald in Australia; the reporters call experts to get themselves educated, so that they can explain complex subjects to their readers.

It is important to emphasize that reporters at major newspapers don't do ''quid pro quos'' with the people they interview. While it's great to quote an expert or academic or novelist or anyone, not even God, no expert is ever guaranteed a quote or a citation.

Just think: Have you ever seen a footnote in a newspaper article? No, never. Footnotes are for academic journal articles and books.  

There are plenty of academics working on a large list of subjects and topics that reporters rountinely like to chat with to do their initial research. But no credit of the expert's name or his or her recent books or internet hot links are ever guaranteed in the final published news article. That's the nature of journalism, always have been, always will be.

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