Wednesday, April 4, 2018

#PCST2018 Cli-Fi news from academia

  1. Keen to hit up the library to check out some cli-fi novels
  2. NZ, Debashish Munshi, Priya Kurian & Sandra Morrison, Univ of Waikato, Spoke about using climate fictional stories (cli-fi) to help communicate about climate change.
  3. 💧💧💧 Reading Environments #2 is coming April 17! Film, water, sci-fi, cli-fi, and more. We'll be talking 's 'Pumzi' alongside readings from and . Register at : 💧💧💧
  4. I believe LOTUS BLUE by Cat Sparks is set after a climate apocalypse, though I'm not sure how much that plays into it (I've not read that one myself). She also recently edited an anthology of stories on cli-fi

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