Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tor books faces questions over its kowtowing to communist China on its fan website and prohibiting Taiwanese sci-fi fans from registering as Taiwanese! Irony of ironies for TOR to do this! [READ THE LETTER BELOW]


one comment so far: more to come:
Long Hwa · 
Brooklyn Law School on Facebook

''It is completely ironic on a sci-fi book company's website. And despicable.''
700 page views so far and more to come as the news spreads...

Long Hwa · 

It is completely ironic on a sci-fi book company's website. And despicable.
Silvano Donati · 

“Taiwan, province of China” is the best science-fiction release of this science fiction Publisher

Appeal to Tor Books to Stop Kowtowing to Communist China and Preventing Taiwanese
''sci-fi'' fans from properly registering as Taiwanese citizens, which they are!!! Hopefully, Tor's editors will see the light and change the dropdown menu that refers to Taiwan  not a nation but as "a province of [PRC] China" (which it never was and still is not). Tor? Sci-fi greats such Isaac Asimov and Ursula K. LeGuin, Gary K Wolfe and Jonathan Strahan, among others, including Cory Doctorow and Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Andrews and Cat Sparks and James Bradley are waiting for you to kindly change the drop down menu to reflect reality and allow Taiwanese SF fans to join the website. It's easy, just ask the IT people to change the menu for registration from "Taiwan, province of China" to "Taiwan."
As readers who follow the news know, last month China sent a threatening letter to a large number of international airlines demanding that they change the country code for Taiwan (TW) on their schedules to China (CN), as dictated by Beijing’s “one China” principle.
However, standing up for Taiwan’s international space and presence, on May 5 US President Donald Trump’s administration issued a statement condemning China’s science fictional “demand” as “Orwellian nonsense” through which China was trying to impose its own political claims on private companies around the world.
It’s like the British novels Nighteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm have come to life in 2018.
Believe it or not, a major sci-fi publishing company in New York, the most prestigious science fiction publisher in the world, Tor Books, whose editors know all about the Nighteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm, also kowtows to Beijing’s “one China” nonsense by asking Taiwanese sci-fi fans who want to sign up at the Tor Web site ( to list their country on the site’s drop-down menu as either “China” or “Taiwan, province of China.”
Yes, the world-famous sci-fi Web site run by Tor Books does not allow Taiwanese sci-fi fans to list their country as “Taiwan.”
Yet as readers know, Taiwan is a free and independent democracy, which abides by international law and has never been a part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Chinese claim that Taiwan is part of the PRC is a silly nationalistic sci-fi illusion, with no basis in international law.
By forcing Taiwanese sci-fi fans to register on the Web site as being from either “China” or “Taiwan, province of China,” Tor’s editors and Web site managers are showing a terrible and naive bias to Taiwanese fans.
Tor’s editors are probably not even aware of this oversight on their registration form, thus this letter, and hopefully a change in the Web site’s current Orwellian nonsense.
I hope that Tor Books, once its editors read this letter, will do the right thing and stand up for Taiwan on its online registration form and show science fiction fans around the world that US sci-fi Web sites do not kowtow to China.
Signed, George Orwell

This story has been viewed 12,709,988 times.

see also

TechOrange (新聞發布) (網誌)-2018年5月9日
Yahoo奇摩新聞 (新聞發布)-2018年5月5日

[ LETTER ] - Taipei Times

關於「orwellian nonsense」的媒體圖片 (來源:自由時報電子報)


Appeal to SCifi Tor Books to stop kowtowing to Red China Orwellian nonsense
As readers who follow the news know, last month China sent a threatening letter to a large number of international airlines demanding that they change the country code for Taiwan (TW) on their schedules to China (CN), as dictated by Beijing’s “one China” principle.
However, standing up for Taiwan’s international space and presence, on May 5 US President Donald Trump’s administration issued a statement condemning China’s science fictional “demand” as “Orwellian nonsense” through which China was trying to impose its own political claims on private companies around the world.
It’s like the British novels Nighteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm have come to life in 2018.
Believe it or not, a major sci-fi publishing company in New York, the most prestigious science fiction publisher in the world, Tor Books, whose editors know all about the Nighteen Eighty-four and Animal Farm, also kowtows to Beijing’s “one China” nonsense by asking Taiwanese sci-fi fans who want to sign up at the Tor Web site ( to list their country on the site’s drop-down menu as either “China” or “Taiwan, province of China.”
Yes, the world-famous sci-fi Web site run by Tor Books does not allow Taiwanese sci-fi fans to list their country as “Taiwan.”
Yet as readers know, Taiwan is a free and independent democracy, which abides by international law and has never been a part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Chinese claim that Taiwan is part of the PRC is a silly nationalistic sci-fi illusion, with no basis in international law.
By forcing Taiwanese sci-fi fans to register on the Web site as being from either “China” or “Taiwan, province of China,” Tor’s editors and Web site managers are showing a terrible and naive bias to Taiwanese fans.
Tor’s editors are probably not even aware of this oversight on their registration form, thus this letter, and hopefully a change in the Web site’s current Orwellian nonsense.
I hope that Tor Books, once its editors read this letter, will do the right thing and stand up for Taiwan on its online registration form and show science fiction fans around the world that US sci-fi Web sites do not kowtow to China.
Signed, George Orwell

This story has been viewed 1280 times.關於「orwellian nonsense」的媒體圖片 (來源:TechOrange (新聞發布) (網誌))
關於「orwellian nonsense」的媒體圖片 (來源:Yahoo奇摩新聞 (新聞發布))
關於「orwellian nonsense」的媒體圖片 (來源:ETtoday)
關於「orwellian nonsense」的媒體圖片 (來源:新頭殼)

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