Thursday, June 20, 2019

Writing for Future? - A German radio broadcast featuring Ulrich Noller (in German)

Writing for Future? - A 53-minute German radio broadcast featuring journalist Mr. Ulrich Noller (speaking in German)


Climate change is a topic in novels and movies worldwide, including Germany and other nations in Europe. Journalist Ulrich Noller appears on a German radio show to talk about how the new literary genre of "Climate Fiction" -- sometimes referred to as ''cli-fi'' as a nickname -- addresses various impacts of climate change and at the same time raises basic questions about the "human condition."

"Climate Fiction" or "Cli-Fi" is a reference to "Sci-Fi" of "Science Fiction". But Climate Fiction is by no means just genre literature; For a long time writers from all literary fields have been dealing with nature and the consequences of climate change. It takes a certain kind of literary narrative to understand the process of climate change, which is only described scientifically at first - a core competence of literature.

Even at universities, "climate fiction" is becoming an increasingly important topic and professors and teacher training are taking this into account.

In the radio  program, Ulrich Noller explains to listeners about and poems by such writers as Ilija Trojanow of Germany, Mikro Bonné, Maja Lunde of Norway, Liane Dirks, Kim Stanley Robinson from the USA, Thore D. Hansen and Rita Indiana.

Scala Spezial: Writing for future?

WDR 5 Scala - Hintergrund Kultur. June 20, 2019. 
 A 53-minute radio show
WDR 5.
with Ulrich Noller
Quer durch alle Genres und Gattungen ist der Klimawandel ein Thema auch in der Literatur. Die "Climate Fiction" macht mögliche Klimawandelfolgen spürbar - und wirft grundlegende Fragen zur ''Conditio Humana'' auf.

    • Feiertag: Heute um 14.04 Uhr und dann nochmal um 23.04 Uhr läuft bei WDR 5 meine Scala-Sondersendung zum Thema "Climate Fiction - der Klimawandel im Spiegel der Literatur". Online ist das Ganze schon jetzt verfügbar. Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn der eine oder die andere von Euch/Ihnen Gelegenheit fände, mal reinzuhören. Unter anderem mit Ilija Trojanow, Liane Dirks und Thore D. Hansen..
      Holiday: today at 14.04 pm and then again at 23.04 pm at WDR 5 my scala special show on "climate fiction - climate change in the mirror of literature". the whole thing is already available online. Would be very happy if one or the other of you / you would find the opportunity to listen. Among other things with Ilija Trojanow, Liane Dirks and Thore D. Hansen..


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