Friday, November 22, 2019

“For the last year I have made every decision looking at my bento.” - Yancey Strickler, New Age Seer

YANCEY  STRICKLER . paints a picture of a healthier approach to capitalism... a very different picture of how our economy can better serve all of us, not just that “party in the back”.

He’s coined it “Bentoism”.


“For the last year I have made every decision looking at my bento.” -- Yancey Strickler, New Age Seer

What if this New Agey Japanesey spinoff of so-called #bentosim  is just another hip business piece of well-written hot air, but in the end hot air?

''Hara Hachi Bu?'' Japanese people today don't buy into that at all.

Beyond Near-Term Orientation ?

Cute #initialism, but Yancey, please, NO!

What's next: ''Secret Kimono'' ?


''This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World'' Kindle Edition

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, a thought-provoking post. You might like to consider this post too Effective Meetings
