Saturday, November 23, 2019

My 15-year-old niece recently asked me if the hand-lettered #schoolstrike4climate sign that Greta Thunberg carries with her everywhere she goes, all over Sweden, all over Europe, all over the USA and Canada and Madrid, on trains and on two translatlantic sailboat trips -- everywhere, almost never lettering out of her sight -- or the sight of newspaper cameramen or TV cameras -- is a security blanket and talisman for her...


My 15 year old niece recetnly asked me if the handlettered sign that Greta Thunberg carries with her everywhere she goes, all over Sweden, all over Europe, all over the USA and Canada and Madrid, on trains and on two translatlantic sailboat trips -- everywhere, almost never lettering out of her sight -- or the sight of newspaper cameramen or TV cameras --  is a security blanket and talisman for her...

SEE photo of it here:

that carries around the world at her photo opps is maybe /perhaps /possibly a psychological or magic or what and why?


When I posted this question on Twitter and Facebook, as a friend and admirer of Greta and not as a critic, I like her, I think she is a very interesting person, I received this answer from a practicing pychotherapist in her 70s. She told me:
''My guess would be that the handlettered sign that she carries with her everywhere, on train journeys, ocean saiIboat crossings, and which she clutches in photos almost like she's holding a cherished teddy bear, is for her andher PR team of handlers something that has become iconic, her global signature if you will -- a kind of visual reference to where and how the youth climate demonstrations started -- so I think it's not so much a 'security blanket' or a 'lucky charm' or 'talisman' but not so much for her as for the outside world (rather than for Greta's own psychological well-being.) But I'm only guessing. I have no inside direct line to Greta or her advisors, I'm afraid. 
However, that said, let me add this: When I think of all the people, young and old, who have been out on the streets protesting about government inaction on the climate emergency, I find it pretty amazing to think that a year ago none of this -- school strikes, Extinction Rebellion -- had even started.  So Greta must be doing something right, no? If she needs it or uses it as a security blanket or talisman to buoy up her own spirits as part of her global appeal and journey, then more power to her."

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