Sunday, November 26, 2017

Accuracy of ''On the sea ice near Rigolet, Labrador'' *dateline* in NYTimes online called into question: was reporter there in fall of 2017? She was not.

Toe touch?


Leaning over the handlebars with one knee up on the seat, Derrick Pottle commanded his snowmobile between rocks and sheets of gray sea ice before stopping suddenly at the mouth of a bay.
“It’s open,” Mr. Pottle said, turning off his machine. Ten yards away, the ice had cracked and opened a dark hole in the water that made it impossible to drive across the inlet.
It was Jan. 7, 2017 (when the reporter was not a New York Times employee and paid for the trip through her own funds or a generous un-named media sponsor) unusually late in the season for Mr. Pottle’s first trip to his winter cabin — a few hours drive by snowmobile from his hometown, Rigolet — over what should have been more than 60 miles of frozen trails and solid ice.


[When a New York Times article has an unvetted ''dateline'' that reads  ON SEA ICE NEAR RIGOLET, Labrador —  with a sentence that reads ''that made it impossible to drive across the inlet. It was Jan. 7, unusually late in the season for Mr. Pottle’s first trip to his cabin'' ....does this mean the article was researched and reported and that the reporter was there in Canada on January 7, 2017 when she was not a NYT staffer or in November 2017 when she was an intern at the NYT?

SEE JACK SCHAFER's take  a few years ago on this topic:

What is a dateline?
First, you have to know what a dateline is -- and what it is not.
The dateline of a news story has important information -- it indicates the city the journalist was in when he or she reported on the story. It also indicates the date the story was filed.
However, the dateline does not indicate the place of publication. For example, an article that was published in a US-based newspaper, website, or TV network was produced in the US for an audience of Americans. It can thus be considered to have the US as its place of publication -- regardless of the dateline. (See example, right).

Dateline - Wikipedia

Toe Touching

Rick Bragg's "Dateline Toe-Touch"

A New York Times writer gets gets caught cutting corners.


and TIME magazine controversy over a dateline with Laurie Goodstein


toe-touch - A Way with Words


  1. A short editors note or authors note before or after article help readers better understand when article was written and where either before nyt gig or during current nyt intern gig. When did livia make the toe touch embedded in the dateline? Honesty would help.

  2. ''Reporters Get New Datelines So They Won’t Seem Out of Place''

    The Times is changing how it shows where articles were written, hoping to more clearly convey that “we are on the scene around the world.”

  3. So far the NYT is not responding to this, so.....LET IT BE. Water under the bridge. The article is very very good and the dateline issue is not important at all. Moving on.
