Saturday, March 10, 2018

'Questions for the Limestone Madonna'' -- a poem by John Lane in the USA, with a photo and a translation in French by sci-fi author Yann Quero in France

A photo captioned "The Madonna of Global Warming" by French author Yann Quero who took the picture a few years ago in northwestern France near the coast and who translated the poem below into French. Scroll down.

Questions for
the Limestone

A poem by John Lane, 2018

If geology
is gospel, 
will you 
saves us? 

If geology 
is religion,
are you bedrock,
though softer
than granite? 

If geology 
is scripture,
then how 
are we to 
read your 

If geology 
is to Son
as madonna
is to God, 
then are 
you the 
of time? 

On this
soluble rock
we build.


'Questions for the Limestone Madonna'' -- a poem by John Lane in the USA, with a photo by sci-fi writer Yann Quero in France who took the photo above. Web-packaged by Dan Bloom in Taiwan.


Questions pour une Madone de pierre

Si la géologie est un chant de Dieu,
nous sauveras-tu ?

Si la géologie est une religion,
en es-tu le socle, bien que moins dur que le granit ?

Si la géologie est écriture sainte,
alors comment pouvons-nous lire ta face altérée ?

Si la géologie est au Fils, ce que la Vierge est à Dieu,
Alors es-tu le pardon du temps ?

Sur cette pierre friable,
nous batissons.

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