Saturday, April 14, 2018

''Le Prix du roman d’écologie révèle la diversité des plumes vertes'' -- A new Cli-Fi Ecologie Literary Prize arises in France! 2018 winner: Miss Emmanuelle Pagano

PHOTO OF ''THE VIRGIN MARY OF GLOBAL WARMING'', caption and photo by French writer Yann Quero in northwest France, [thank you Yann!]

NOTE: The nominees of the PRE prize all deal with the question of sustainable development under different angles. ]
FOR EXAMPLE: Joël Baqué, in his cli-fi novel "the melting of the ice" (P.O.L), says, "it is a cli-fi fable exciting, with a distance humorous, about  global warming.  And it leads an interesting reflection on the capitalism".


presented for the first time on 10 April, this prize has awarded for the novel "Safety for Riverside resident" by Emmanuel Pagano (POL Books in France). It is her second novel in a trilogy and her third novel in the series will be published by POL in August 2018.

By Catherine Vincent, Le Monde reporter in Paris

The Prize recognizes " a French novel published in 2017 of great literary quality where ecological issues are substantially present."

This started a few years ago in the USA and the UK, with small steps. -Thriller, polar, novel to thesis or of anticipation, several kinds of fiction are gradually seized the ecology. Among the environmental mutations that are looming on the horizon, one has proved to be such a source of inspiration that it has even received a name coined by Daniel Bloom who speaks French since 1965 homestay in Rouen.: This is the "CLI-fi", for CLIMATE fiction.

Up to now, this LITERARY gernre remained for the most part the prerogative of the authors in Anglo-Saxon nations: Australia, the UK, Canada and the USA, New Zealand and South Africa. But things are changing. Evidenced by the prize of the novel of ecology, awarded for the first time on 10 April by the Association of the same name, which distinguishes" a novel francophone appeared in 2017 of great literary quality where ecological issues are substantially present."

The winner is Emmanuelle Pagano for the novel riparian Safely (P.O.L), the second volume of her trilogy of the shoreline on the relationship of man and of the water which describes the ennoyage, in 1969, of the valley of Salagou, in the Hérault, where the grand-father of the author had two small vineyards now submerged. Her third novel in the trilogy will be published by POL in August 2018.

Founded in partnership with the magazine spirit, the master "Letters and literary creation" of Le Havre, the National High School of landscape and the think tank transpartisan The ecological Manufactures, the Association of the price of the novel of ecology explains, on its Internet site, the reasons for this initiative. Today, ecological issues "resound in the public debate, amend the daily life, transform the roles of each", but "the policy, the information and the science is not directed only to a part of human nature and largely unaware of the other springs, the sensitivity, the emotion, the spontaneous empathy". There intervenes the literature, which allows, "Without a doubt even more than other forms of artistic expression, to associate the quest intimate,..****Dan BLOOOm in Taiwan says this article for the world today by Catherine Vincent in Paris is about cli-FI has new ecology literarty prize in France,. WOW! GOOD NEWS


On 10 April , a jury composed of writers and students will present a new literary awards, the "pre", centered on the ecology.
Behind this initiative and a Romanesque offers teeming plays another way to talk - and collect - the burning issues of our time.

Each of the authors selected for the price illuminates the ecological issues

One of the novels, that of Errol Henrot, takes us in the bowels of a slaughterhouse, responsible for "smells of blood, sweet, metal and hot", where resonate the "appalling Cree" The animals that are killed. Another, in the valley of Salagou, in the South of France, flooded at the turn of the 1970s by a Lake dam. And it is then the family history of Emmanuelle Pagano which mingles with the destiny of geological but also legendary, seigneurial, of agricultural and industrial of these lands disrupted.

In all, 6 Francophone authors were  shortlisted for the  new literary prize , the prize of the novel of ecology (nicely called "pre"), which was presented on 10 April by the Association of the same name hosted by the Magazine Spirit, in partnership with the ecological manufactures. Of the Hérault at the Antarctic, passing by the Silicon Valley, these six books, as different as they are, have for common points their great literary quality and to be traversed by the environmental issues.

Crossed… or rather seized by these issues, in the image of our societies. As they, the literature is diverted by the dizzying questions posed by climate warming, but also the temptation of any power of our models of development, by our contemporary report to the nature, animals, etc. "These issues are sources of inspiration infinite", stresses the writer Dalibor Frioux (1), at the initiative of the price with Lucile Schmid, co-chair of the Foundation European green and a member of the Drafting Committee of spirit.

"Our time is imbued with a sense of urgency, of the idea that the disaster can happen," observes on his side Thomas Flahaut, 26 years, whose first novel, Ostwald, has been selected for the price. In a deserted Alsace, frozen by an accident at the central Fessenheim, two brothers are seeking, taken in the meanders of several disasters - nuclear, but also intimate and family, with frame for the quest of the Father and the disintegration caused by the de-industrialization.

"The novel of ecology does not nature for decor, but queries the destiny of the man, who is part of a whole which the exceeds", precise Lucile Schmid. That is why the invention of the body of stone Ducrozet was able to be part of the selection: the story of a young Mexican Professor refugee in the United States, plunged in the universe of the transhumanism, ideology whose foundations, in fact, direct echo to the ecological crisis.

One of the originalities of the "PRE" is its jury. Composed of 24 persons, it account at the time of the writers of renown, like Alexis Jenni, Goncourt Prize 2011 (2) or Alice Ferney, booksellers but also students from the master of literary creation of the Superior School of Art and Design of the Le Havre and the National School of the landscape. "We felt it was very important to cross the glances, that the jury is not only composed of personalities to qualified, but also to young people, then that these themes are if binding for the future of our societies," continues Lucie Schmid.

The choice will be tough and the discussions without doubt rich and profound. Because each author, in its own way - Joël Baqué with humor, Stéphane Serving through the science-fiction, Emmanuelle Pagano in the middle of an incredible mural of men and of landscapes, etc. - illuminates the ecological issues by the Sensitive. Giving them all the more force.

"The Work of conviction by the evidence (…) should add the power of the artistic work (…). The novel is a powerful way to irrigate the imaginary, to open prospects, put in story," can be read in the manifesto of the price (3). "The more often the é


Le Prix du roman d’écologie révèle la diversité des plumes vertes
Remis pour la première fois le 10 avril, ce prix a couronné « Saufs riverains », d’Emmanuel Pagano (POL).

LE MONDE | 14.04.2018 à 06h30 |
Par Catherine Vincent

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Le Prix distingue « un roman francophone paru en 2017 de grande qualité littéraire où les questions écologiques sont substantiellement présentes ».
Cela a commencé il y a quelques années, par petites touches. ­Thriller, polar, roman à thèse ou d’anticipation, plusieurs genres de fiction se sont progressivement emparés de l’écologie. Parmi les mutations environnementales qui se profilent à l’horizon, l’une s’est révélée une telle source d’inspiration qu’elle a même reçu un nom : c’est la « cli-fi », pour climate fiction.

Jusqu’à présent, cette veine littéraire en plein essor restait pour l’essentiel l’apanage des auteurs anglo-saxons. Mais les choses sont en train de changer. En témoigne le Prix du roman d’écologie, attribué pour la première fois le 10 avril par l’association du même nom, qui distingue « un roman francophone paru en 2017 de grande qualité littéraire où les questions écologiques sont substantiellement présentes ».

La relation de l’homme et de l’eau
La lauréate est Emmanuelle ­Pagano pour le roman Saufs riverains (POL), deuxième volume de sa Trilogie des rives sur la relation de l’homme et de l’eau qui décrit l’ennoyage, en 1969, de la vallée du Salagou, dans l’Hérault, où le grand-père de l’auteure possédait deux petites vignes désormais submergées.

Fondée en partenariat avec la revue Esprit, le master « lettres et création littéraire » du Havre, l’Ecole nationale supérieure de paysage et le think tank transpartisan La Fabrique écologique, l’Association du Prix du roman d’écologie explique, sur son site Internet, les raisons de cette initiative. Aujourd’hui, les questions écologiques « résonnent dans le débat public, modifient la vie quotidienne, transforment les rôles de chacun », mais « la politique, l’information et la science ne s’adressent qu’à une partie de la nature humaine et ignorent largement d’autres ressorts, la sensibilité, l’émotion, l’empathie spontanée ». Là intervient la littérature, qui permet, « sans doute encore plus que d’autres formes d’expression artistiques, d’associer la quête intime,..****DAN BLOOOm in Taiwan needs help this article from LE MONDE today by Catherine Winter in Paris is about cli-fi a new ECOLOGY literarty prize in France,. WOW! GOOD NEWS

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